Wednesday, July 31, 2013



One of the things that needed to be done was to update our vehicles. I know this may seem odd considering I just lost my occupation and am still recovering from a broken ankle so the lack of movement was going to be an issue with finding full time gainful employment. The reason behind this is the van basically has died 3-4 times now while we were out and about, it took gentle coaxing and promises of finding something else so she could finally rest to just get her to hobble home each time this happened.

The trucks issues are all body work, I miss her. She was my baby, even though in reality she belonged to R I found a connection with her, we shared in some good times and we comforted each other through some bad times as well, but she needs to be properly taken care of and just being a day to day drive was not what she was destined for.

We replaced the Van with one of R's favorite cars, an Impala. It reminds me of the car he had when we were first together. Honestly I am already in love with the Impala probably because of these memories of when R and I were first dating, navigating that weird but amazing maze of learning about each other and if we meshed. I sit in the Impala and I remember our first kiss, in his Caprice he took me for lunch (a happy meal, seriously it's like he knew the real me from the get go) and then when he brought me back to work he leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips.

Ahhh, okay mushy feelings aside I really do like that car, another main reason is if I am not driving the car or actively engaged in something (i.e reading a book is most likely, or watching the amazing world we live in fly by the windows) I tend to want to nap in the car. The truck and van just did not support this move, it was all bucket seats and center consoles or sitting in the back of the van with the stinky kids.

Not anymore! The Impala has the bench seating in the front that has a folding center console so when I want to nap while were driving home from something I just lean over onto Rob's lap and allow myself to sleep.

Pretty much an amazing investment for R and it allowed him to get a car that seats everyone and it's something he likes to drive, which the van was not :(

 Then there was me and my transportation, I knew I wanted a smaller car. It needed to have seats for 5 but be able to hold 4 comfortably. I would kill for an old school mini but alas that was not to be had :)

My second car of choice is a Volkswagen Golf TDI, I love love love Volkswagen cars. I love the simplicity while incorporating high end details. There was a dealer close by me that had a VW Golf in dark blue, automatic engine, gas.

I fell in love with that car, if I had the cash I would have bought it first glance. It had it all!! Sunroof, power windows, heated seats, upgraded stereo, Air Conditioning (not really a big factor as I have never had it while driving, plus you have a sunroof why would you need air?

Either way, the dealer was willing to lease to me $2000 down, 356 per month, had to buy an extended warranty. It all worked out fine and I could afford it!! Woot Woot, so I took it to my mechanic and he looked it over.

There were about 6 problems that he was concerned with, but told me to bring it to the dealer explain what he had found and ask them to fix them all. During this time, R had decided he wanted to make sure I got fair market value and went hunting on Kijiji and Auto Trader to make sure this guys price was good and that we were not walking into a death trap or missing out on a better opportunity.

The Dealer agreed to my terms and said he would cal and let me know about the repairs from him mechanic. Meanwhile R had called a guy in Niagara On the Lake and arranged for us to test drive his car, his manual transmission car, a car we were looking at purchasing for me, someone who has never drove stick in her life.....

Drove the car, well R drove the car. We tested everything, even I got behind the wheel and stalled it while moving forward 13". I really fell in love with this one, probably because for a car that was a year older than the one before, that had never been in an accident (the other one had), and came in better condition, with winter tires was only my deposit.........yes I paid less than I would have going to the dealer and starting my contract with them would have cost me.

Oh and the kicker, while they were taking the original golf to the mechanic to be looked at it broke down and they had to tow it.....yeah made the right decision.

So thus begins my foray into learning to drive stick, I am slowly grasping the concepts and hill starts still elude me when I am on an actual hill (can do it fine flat) but its a process that will only get better with experience.

Time to stop letting my fears of failure and less worth get in the way of my development and growth!

Yeah! Air punches and signing off!


Tuesday, July 9, 2013



It has not been the greatest of nights for sleeping, and for me I don't know why that is.

R has been up all night with this wicked cold he has, it's a massive amount of chest congestion and mucus to the point the poor guy has thrown up a few times :( I think that knock on wood I am just finishing my trip down that cold and should be on the right track again.

So I finally caved into my mind/body at 5:00am this morning and got up rather than lying in bed trying to sleep, made some tea and ate a granola bar and began to tackle what has been running through my brains today.

Normally when I can't sleep (and by normally I mean prior to living with someone and sharing a bed with them) it is the perfect time to clean my bedroom. When I was younger that was when my room would look the way my parents always hoped, because in these moods or whatever you want to call them I am the most motivated to let things go so any massive piles I have been hording disappear.

The best time I had with these situations was when we were living in Port Dalhousie and I had the basement apartment to myself (it could have been an apartment but it didn't have a separate entrance) It worked out awesome because as I was cleaning I could throw loads of laundry into the washer/dryer and then I really got everything done :)

I can't do that here, well let me rephrase I can do that here but R just got to sleep like an hour ago so I am not about to go into the bedroom switch on a light and start making a bunch of noise. I know how that cold feels and he needs all the rest he can get.

Spoke to a friend of mine through Derby, she thinks she may have a job for me (woot!) but we're not sure when the positing will come up (bah waiting)

I should get my severance pay from the ex-employers Monday, I cannot believe I am about to type this but I think I may buy a car with some of the money. Now hear me out (which is what I keep telling myself when this idea scares me) yes because I currently do not have employment should I be saving all of this money...yes but in order to work for most companies you need a reliable car, the truck just doesn't fit that statement all the time anymore.

It would be a lease with a high interest rate but I need the car and one that I have wanted for a long time has come up, I just need to figure out how much I will be putting down and then go from there. I think that as long as we stick to a budget there should be no issue with covering the car payments especially with my insurance going down with this car anyways.

Anyhow I think I might try and Wii Yoga a bit this morning and try and stretch out my ankle, it is killing me mondo bad today and I don;t know why :(

I am sure I will talk to you guys later, seems like my brain wants ti get stuff out today.


Friday, July 5, 2013

Thoughts and Pain and Rambling

Woke up this morning coughing another lung out, really getting sick of your shit summer cold.

As I lay there trying to will myself into making the inevitable decision to either go back to sleep or to get up and start moving my ankle made the decision for me by starting to ache the worst I have felt it since the break. It could be argued that there have been instances of worse pain however this is the pain you get when you sleep pinching a nerve and then when you wake up, your body can just tell you this is going to hurt for a while and it's not going away easy.

Sitting on the back deck, hanging out with the garden's, thinking about the things I need to get done today. One thing I am looking forward to is seeing Cora, my very lovely Derby Wife at Starbucks. Cora will be working but it doesn't matter I am just happy to be seeing her.

We need to start sorting things in the house so that we are ready for the yard sale next weekend, I already have a few boxes ready but I lost my stride somehow and now I need to get it back to finish.

I think my dad and mum are concerned that I am going to get all depressed about losing my job, dad keeps asking me if I have contacted any people I made relationships with so that if they have a job open they can think of me, which for the record I have already done.

We have our next game tomorrow, I am super excited as Cora is going to be skating in this game!! I am a bit concerned how were getting everything to the arena with the Van no longer being used (bought a impala as the Van was pretty much dead, it seats 6 so only 1 less than the Van and the boot is much much bigger.

I cannot believe I am about to say this but I might straighten my hair today, I am not 100% but I am thinking about it. Probably because I am going to a goodbye party for a friend from work and I want to look amazing when I see them, but will probably not follow through on that and I will show up looking like me, which is fine anyways!!

 I've been thinking more and more about belief's and what people believe in, I've always felt like I don't know where I sit in that situation. Honestly there are time where it really frustrates me that I don't know where I sit in that system. I know that I believe that there is another force working with us, whether that is "God", or "Gods", or something completely different I have no clue. Sometimes I think I may be closer to the nature side of it all, makes me want to explore past family ties I have to my Irish family, see what lies back there and if that's where I get some feelings from. I'm not looking for something to immediately tell me what my believes the sorting hat. I understand I cannot just put a magic hat on and have it yell "Protestant (believes in God), or "Norse God's", or "Pagan" it's not going to happen and I don't think that would be the correct way to discover something so important and close to people as their belief system.

Bah, I have a bunch more to say but I can't seem to string it together properly. Might need to write up a new entry for these new swirling thoughts.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Job Hunting and randoms

I woke up this morning coughing up another lung, this damn congestion is killing me.

It's R's birthday today!!! He really really hates his birthday so it has been my plan for the last 6 years to try and make them good and happy for him. We went to MJ's on Monday and had an awesome lunch, and tonight we're playing cards with our friends as is the norm but I am going to bake a gluten free brownie mix for Rob in the hopes it tastes as good as a normal brownie mix does :)

I've been trying to figure out a plan for jobs, I have to update my resume (which I suck balls at) and I have to figure out what I want to do.....Oh god, is it bad that I am 25 and have no idea what my dream job would be. Crap...not having a panic attack or anything but it does seem relatively concerning.

Bah okay going to not think about that for a couple of hours in the hopes I can think straight again.

I had planned on cleaning out the house and packing things for the yard sale we're taking part in on the 13th but this back to back rain has been a killer for motivating me to get started. I had all these grand plans that since I became redundant at work I would show that I am not redundant at home.....yup this is where I have ended up.

I have grown ridiculously attached to our back deck, R has spent so much time back here getting things clean and tidy and moved around that it has become our little sanctuary, we come out here all the time whether we are playing cards on Thursdays or just sitting together drinking tea, on the plus side my sleep schedule seems to be working itself out now, I wonder if my body was so destroyed because I was always so stressed out at work.

Maybe that's the whole point of this situation, rather than stress about finding my career right this second, why not focus on the other things that need my attention, get my credit back on track, pay off my debts, get our butts on a budget for what I would be pulling in if I was working minimum wage. And then, once we're on track with the budget and we're surviving then start thinking about the rest of my life, and what I want to do.

Yeah, I think this is the right track to be on, if I approach this correctly and stick to a plan (a loose not stressed out plan) then we can get things back on track not an issue.

So to start I need to sign off and make a plan!!

Thanks for listening everyone, I really appreciate it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


So I haven't looked for a job in 6 years, 6 years I put my heart and soul into that place and now I have to start all over again with something new.

Don't get me wrong I never thought of that place as my dream job, it's not my dream job honestly. It has been so long that I dont even know what my dream job is... which is awkward in itself.

I have to gather up a bunch of stuff so that I can apply for EI, and make sure that I can get my body on the right track to healing and can get a job, even if I go back to slinging coffee at least it is better than nothing right.

bah, sour foul mood this afternoon


Saturday, June 29, 2013

And way to ruin my summer........


When I first considered writing in a blog again I figured why not, I am supposed to be expressing my thoughts and trying to get the stuff that swirls and swirls in my brain out somewhere why not here?

You may think that the title of this post somehow corresponds to breaking my ankle, and while in someways you are correct. The ankle break has severly limited the things I am able to do however I am starting to walk sans crutches and it's going ok :)

Nope the title of this post extends to my former employers who decided on a whim (not really a whim I am sure but still I am pissed) that my position is redundant and that they would have to let me go. Yes I did get severence so I am ok for now but seriously!!

Anyway the whole point of this post today is that I am trying to decide if I will be petty to request all of the hanging file folders I PAID FOR, and other stationary that I PAID FOR back.

R suggested I talk to the labour board and EI on Tuesday to see if it was worth it or if it would be petty to request it, I am not sure how I feel exactly about not requesting the stationary, I mean on the one hand I can see not burning the bridge (why I would want to go back to where I am redundant seems....weird) but at the same time it is the principle of the thing, if you're going to pack up my shit then pack up everything...right.

Either way I just needed to get this out of my system since I was pissed and thinking about it.

I'm sure that there will be plenty more entries in here since my redundancy has caused a lot of down time.....
