Saturday, June 29, 2013

And way to ruin my summer........


When I first considered writing in a blog again I figured why not, I am supposed to be expressing my thoughts and trying to get the stuff that swirls and swirls in my brain out somewhere why not here?

You may think that the title of this post somehow corresponds to breaking my ankle, and while in someways you are correct. The ankle break has severly limited the things I am able to do however I am starting to walk sans crutches and it's going ok :)

Nope the title of this post extends to my former employers who decided on a whim (not really a whim I am sure but still I am pissed) that my position is redundant and that they would have to let me go. Yes I did get severence so I am ok for now but seriously!!

Anyway the whole point of this post today is that I am trying to decide if I will be petty to request all of the hanging file folders I PAID FOR, and other stationary that I PAID FOR back.

R suggested I talk to the labour board and EI on Tuesday to see if it was worth it or if it would be petty to request it, I am not sure how I feel exactly about not requesting the stationary, I mean on the one hand I can see not burning the bridge (why I would want to go back to where I am redundant seems....weird) but at the same time it is the principle of the thing, if you're going to pack up my shit then pack up everything...right.

Either way I just needed to get this out of my system since I was pissed and thinking about it.

I'm sure that there will be plenty more entries in here since my redundancy has caused a lot of down time.....


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