Thursday, June 13, 2013

Starting fresh and new

Hey Everyone,

I have been toying back and forth with creating and updating a new blog for myself for a while now. Somewhere I can vent my full frustrations and be completely candid with my comments and pretty much share way way way to much of my life.

This is how the new blog has started. There is nothing wrong with my old blog "Hi Old Blog or OB as I will refer to you now", I just feel like in it's original setup I haven't been posting as much because I haven't felt comfortable sharing everything that has been running through my brain inside of it. 

I know that if I went back and read some of my entries that I would seem silly considering some of the things I have shared in the OB but honestly it was set up in a time of my life where somethings were the norm that are no longer the norm, as well it was supposed to assist me in recording my daily thoughts regarding my submissive nature/relationship and as you can tell it is lacking in this quite a bit.

As I seem to have 2 very distinct personalities when it comes to myself I figured allowing both sides a chance to speak is the best way to ensure I am posting semi-regulairly. 

Therefore going forward my OB will continue to be a place that my submissive/little can go to post updates about my thoughts on the role, feelings regarding my relationship with R, and general little/alternative things.

My new blog will be a place where I can go in and talk about anything and everything in my life, basically a catch all for the everyday goings on, thoughts on my family and friends, as well as just a general update location for anyone who is crazy enough to want to know about me :) 

I know the whole setup seems confusing and there is a very distinct possibility one of these guys may not be updated with the frequency as I hope, but I am going to give it a try!

To everyone who made it this far I am always open to feedback as well as general comments regarding my insanity, hope to hear from you at some point.

Nicole aka Nickle

"I — I hardly know, sir, just at present — at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." - Alice to the Caterpillar, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

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