Thursday, June 13, 2013

Getting some history

Hi again,

Life has been running me ragged in 2013, and I am going to probably make references to a bunch of things in here that will make no sense at all without a little background coverage, so queue introduction music "And lets get a little more information about NICKLE"

- Okay so my proper name is Nicole, however being one of those names destined to be turned into nicknames I figured if I start talking in the 3rd person you know how I may refer to myself. When I first met Robert 6 years ago and we entered into our life together he and I were trying to figure out a name for me (technically a fetish scene name, he wanted something that was close to me and who I was that also equated value to his slave) I mentioned that as a child one of my many nick names was Half-a-Dime because I am short and Nickle was close to Nicole. Since then my general name for everyone has been Nickle (spelt incorrectly on purpose), it's how I introduce myself and how most people know me.

Guest Stars
- The people you will probably hear about the most in here are as follows; 
~ Robert also to be referred to as R/Rob, he and I have been together since June of 2007. It has been a relationship filled with ups and downs and twisty turns and other general relationship euphemisms, right now we are in a weird limbo that is actually working out really well for us. It's allowing me to take time to heal from my past and make our bond stronger as well as allow him to work on himself.
~ Pinky or my younger brother. He lives across the street from me with our parents (know as mum and dad), and while growing up we had major major issues we have grown extremely close in the last 5 years and he is someone I confide in regularly.
~ Suzy and Mike (who will probably be referred to as "the man" as that is how she refers to him and it sticks dammit!", also know as my best friend in the whole wide freaking universe :) she is also my teammate in Roller Derby (more on that later) and a freaking fantastic Scentsy/Velata consultant!
~ Rae and Ry Ry super awesome couple R has know for probably my whole life (more like 12-13 years for Rae, longer for Ry Ry), people who I invariably have grown close to and are also counted among my best friends!
~ The boys, these are my 3 Step-Sons in order are: Anthony (16), Connor (15), and Aiden (12), Anthony and Connor share a mum (Hi Lindsy), Anthony lives with us full time in Niagara Falls, Connor lives most of the time with his mum in Iowa. Aiden lives with his mum Jen in Port Colborne.
~ Cora aka my Derby Wife!

Roller Derby
In 2012 I joined the Niagara Roller Girls which is a Flat Track Roller Derby league! I have been drafted onto the Seaway Sirens with Suzy, Rae, and Cora ( our 4 teams are; Maids of the Fist, Dahousie Destroyers, Vineyard Vixens, and Seaway Sirens). I like to think I was on my way to being an awesome Roller Derby player however on April 22nd I went and broke my ankle in 3 places :( Also April 22 is Pinky's birthday what a crappy day to break myself. 

I had surgery, got some nifty hardware installed in my leg and went through 4 casts before having my casts removed on June 5, I have recently started physiotherapy and am planned to have another procedure on the 19th of June to have the PIN holding my Tibia and Fibula together removed.

There will be a more in-depth post regarding the ankle and Roller Derby later but I figured this would start it out for you so everyone at least had a starting point.

- Rather than start what will be a very long full of complaints post here I will just state that I am a Training Coordinator for a local Call Center that supports a client I am very happy to be involved with. I have major issue with some things at work but as I stated this will be a later post when I am not right in the thick of it.

- I figure the last of the sections here should be around the different things that interest me. My father was born in Northern Ireland, and to be honest although born here I feel like that is my home. A large chunk of my family is there and I do my very best to visit them as often as I can manage.

Due to the British upbringing I love most British television, I consume tea like it is a life force, and rainy days are my favorite.

I love to spend time in the kitchen baking, and I have a love hate relationship with my perler beads (love to make things with them, hate to sort them). 

Books………I cannot begin to articulate my love of books, new books, old books, the smell of books, the texture, I always always always have a book on me as you never know when you will have a moment to just sit there and read a good book.

There are I am sure a billion and 1 things I am forgetting to tell you about, and they will come across in subsequent posts (which I may choose to write today. I hope this gives you some insight into my life or at least gives you a chance to say "nope not going to want to stick around here".

I wouldn't say my life is an open book but expect that I might share some pretty intimate details in this blog so if you don't want to read about it I would suggest not sticking around to see what happens.


“She remembered one of her boyfriends asking, offhandedly, how many books she read in a year. "A few hundred," she said.
"How do you have the time?" he asked, gobsmacked.
She narrowed her eyes and considered the array of potential answers in front of her. Because I don't spend hours flipping through cable complaining there's nothing on? Because my entire Sunday is not eaten up with pre-game, in-game, and post-game talking heads? Because I do not spend every night drinking overpriced beer and engaging in dick-swinging contests with the other financirati? Because when I am waiting in line, at the gym, on the train, eating lunch, I am not complaining about the wait/staring into space/admiring myself in reflective surfaces? I am reading!
"I don't know," she said, shrugging.” 
Bianca, The Weird Sisters by Eleanor B

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